From any command center, click Find Transactions.
In the Find Transactions window, click the appropriate tab—for example, the Card tab to search by card.
Filter your search using the Search by and date range fields. For example, to search for all transactions made on October 10th, 2012, relating to Carolina Industries, you would make the following selections in the Card view.
The transactions that match your search criteria appear in the Find Transactions window. You can view a transaction in detail by clicking the zoom arrow (
) next to it.
To find these types of transactions, go to the Quotes and Orders views of the Sales Register or Purchases Register.
The Sales Register window lists all open and closed invoices, quotes, orders, returns and credits, and recurring templates. You can also view a list of all sales.![](images/transactions.020.02.03.jpg)
[Optional] Filter your search using the Search by and date range fields.
The transactions that match your search criteria appear in the Sales Register window. You can view a transaction in detail by clicking the zoom arrow (
) next to it.
The Purchases Register window lists all open and closed purchases, quotes, orders, returns and debits, and recurring templates. You can also view a list of all purchases. ![](images/transactions.020.02.05.jpg)
Go to the Purchases command center and click Purchases Register. The Purchases Register window appears.
[Optional] Filter your search using the Search by and date range fields.
The transactions that match your search criteria appear in the Purchases Register window. You can view a transaction in detail by clicking the zoom arrow (
) next to it.
You can use the Bank Register window to find spend money, pay bills, receive payments, and receive money transactions.![](images/transactions.020.02.07.jpg)
In the Dated From and To fields, type the date range during which the transaction was recorded. The transactions that match your search criteria are listed in the Bank Register window.
The Items Register window gives you quick access to transactions relating to items. When the register is filtered to show a single item, a running balance of the item’s quantities and values appears.
In the Search by field, select whether you want to view transactions for all items or a single item.
If you selected Item at
In the Dated From and To fields, type the date range during which the transaction was recorded. The transactions that match your search criteria appear in the Items Register window.
The Transaction Journal window groups all your accounting entries into one of six journals: general, disbursements, receipts, sales, purchases, and inventory. It also enables you to display all transactions.
Click Transaction Journal from any command center (except Card File). The Transaction Journal window appears.
Click the appropriate tab—for example, the Sales tab to find a sales invoice, the Disbursements tab to find a payment, and so on.
In the Dated From and To fields, type the date range within which the transaction was recorded. All transactions between (and including) these dates will be listed.
If you want to search for a range of journal ID numbers, type the range in the ID From and To fields. All transactions with IDs between (and including) these numbers will be listed.
Go to the Lists menu and choose Recurring Transactions. The Recurring Transactions List window appears.
search for a recurring transaction which Starts With or Contains a specified by name, amount, or due date.