The term activity is used to describe a task or service provided by your business for which you can track costs and bill customers using time billing invoices. Activities are primarily defined by their type—hourly or non-hourly—and whether they are chargeable or non-chargeable.
Go to the Time Billing command centre and click Activities List. The Activities List window appears.
In the Activity Name field, type a name for the activity.
In the Description field, type a description of the activity.
If you want the description of the activity (rather than the activity name) to appear on time-billing invoices, select the Use Description on Sales option.
Select the type of activity (hourly or non-hourly) and the status (chargeable or non-chargeable) of the activity by selecting the appropriate options.
For this type...
And this status...
Choose the billing rate you want to use. The rate is the price you charge for one unit of the activity. You can:
Enter a unit of measurement in the Unit of Measurement field and an activity rate in the Activity Rate field.
The default unit of measurement for hourly activities is Hour. If you specified a special billing unit of time in the System view of the Preferences window, this field will still be displayed as Hour, but time will be billed according to the special billing unit.
In the Income Account field, select the account you want to use to track the income you receive for this activity.
If you want this activity to be taxed when sold, select the Taxable when Sold option.