When you attempt to record a sales invoice with an insufficient on-hand quantity, the Backorder List window appears. In this window, you need to build or buy the required quantity, or create a customer sales order (backorder) for the unavailable quantity, before you can record the sale.
Before you can auto-build an item in the Backorder List window, you need to set up your item details. For more information, see Auto-building items.
If you want to record a bill using this window, you need to enter a default supplier for the item. For more information, see Creating items.
Click Record. If you have insufficient on-hand quantities of an item, the Backorder List window appears.
This window lists items that are either out of stock or would be as a result of recording the sale.
Auto-build items
Record a bill
Record a sales order
You can use the Backorder List window to perform the following tasks: build, buy, or backorder. However, you can only perform one of these tasks at a time and in the following order: build, buy, and then backorder. For example, if you want to backorder some items and buy others, you need to buy the required items first and then return to this window (by clicking Record in the Sales window again) to complete the backorder.