Task 4: Enter additional information about the sale
The fields that appear at the bottom of the Sales window depend on the type of sale you are creating.
Promised Date
Enter optional information, such as the name of the salesperson, a comment, shipping method, and the promised date for delivery of goods or services. Enter text or click the search icon () to choose from the Select From List window.
Invoice Delivery Status
If you want to print or email the invoice in a batch, select the required delivery method from the list.
Journal Memo
The journal memo is generated automatically. You can change this text if you want.
Enter freight charges. Select the option to the right of this field if tax is charged on the freight amount.
Type the amount of money the customer paid you at the time of the sale or, if you are creating an order, how much money the customer gave you as a deposit.
Payment Details
Type or select the payment method. Click Payment Details if you want to enter details about the payment. For example, if you are being paid by credit card, you can record the credit card number and expiration date.
Enter additional information for a quote, order and invoice, up to 1000 alphanumeric characters. This field can be printed on the form by adding the field when customizing.
If you have subscribed to the Merchant Account Service, note the following when completing the Payment Method field in a sale:
Only four payment methods are acceptable for use with the Merchant Account Services. In order for the Merchant Account Services to identify each payment method, you must enter the following strings of letters in the Payment Method field:
American Express: AMER or AMEX
MasterCard: MAST
Visa: VISA
Discover: DISC
Both Credit Card and Debit Card are acceptable entries for this field, but both entries will be treated as credit cards.
note : True debit card payments can’t be processed by the Merchant Account Service
Some types of cards can be used for both debit and credit payments; Merchant Account Service accepts American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa cards. If you enter a card that is both a debit and a credit card, Merchant Account Service will process the transaction as a credit card transaction.
True debit card payments where a PIN number is required can’t be processed using Merchant Account Service.
For more information about the Merchant Account Service, see Processing credit card payments using Merchant Account Service.
If you need to add specific information or notes for a quote, order or invoice, you can enter up to 1000 alphanumeric characters in the Note field. The notes entered can be viewed and printed. To print the Notes field on the form, the form must be customized. For more detailed information on adding a data field to a form, see Customizing forms.