
Analyze Profit & Loss window—Graph view
The Analyze Profit & Loss window allows you to view detailed information about your income, cost of sales, expense, other income and other expense accounts - known collectively as your profit and loss accounts.
Field Descriptions
The bars in the Graph view are arranged horizontally. They allow you to view profit and loss information by month. The length of a bar displays the amount of a month's profit and loss vertically.
Bars appear in pairs if you've selected Actuals vs. Budgets or This Year vs. Last Year in the Analysis Selection window. If you've selected Actuals vs. Budgets, the left bar in a pair represents an actual amount and the right bar in a pair represents a budget amount. If you've selected This Year vs. Last Year, the left bar in a pair represents an amount for a month of the current year and the right bar in a pair represents an amount for a month of the previous year.
Click Filters to open the Analysis Selection window, where you can change the type of information that’s displayed in this window.
Click Dollar to display the difference, in dollars, between the amounts displayed in the list in the top half of the window in the Ledger view.
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