
The Analyze Profit & Loss window allows you to view detailed information about your income, cost of sales, expense, other income and other expense accounts -- known collectively as your profit and loss accounts.
This Ledger view of the Analyze Profit & Loss window provides a list of your income, cost of sales, expense, other income and other expense accounts along with their corresponding amounts.
Field Descriptions
This field displays the month or range of months you selected in the Analysis Selection window. If you selected Last Year’s Actuals Only in the Analysis Selection window, months displayed are from the previous fiscal year. All other selections in the Analysis Selection window will display months in the current fiscal year.
To display a range of months, in the Analysis Selection window, click the first month in the range and then, holding down the mouse button, move the arrow over the months until you have selected the range of months you wish.
The information appears as amounts (if you click the Dollar button below) or percentages (if you click the Percentage button below) and is associated with each of the accounts in the list on the left side of the window.
The Difference column displays the amount or percentage difference between Actual and Budget or This Year and Last Year, based on the selection you made in the Analysis Selection window.
Click Ledger to return to the Ledger view from the Graph view.
Click Dollar to display the difference, in dollars, between the amounts displayed in the list in the top half of the window in the Ledger view.
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