
Reports > Reports list > Frequently used reports
Finding a transaction using reports
In your software, there are several reports available to help you find a transaction: Account, Job, Invoice, Bill, Card, and Payroll Category. If you know the account associated with the transaction you are looking for, you can use the Account report. If you know the customer or vendor name, use the Card Transactions report. To view details about a report item, click the item in the report.
Data backup reports
Your software contains transaction detail reports that show transactions entered for specified periods. You can use these reports as hard copy backups of your company file. These reports can be very large, so you may just want to print them at specific intervals, such as the the end of a month, quarter, or year.
Daily reports
Weekly reports
note : Depending upon the amount of tax you withhold from your employee paychecks, you may be required to report and/or remit money according to schedules sent you by both national and local authorities. For help in preparing remittance reports, see Payroll tax reporting and deposits.
Monthly reports
Summary reports provide an overview of your business’ financial health. To help ensure the reports are accurate, enter all relevant financial transactions first, such as depreciation, interest earned, etc.
note : Depending upon the amount of tax you withhold from your employee paychecks, you may be required to report and/or remit money to the government according to the schedule sent to you by both national and local authorities. For help in preparing remittance reports, see Payroll tax reporting and deposits.
Quarterly reports
If you prepare summary reports quarterly instead of monthly, the following reports will help provide an overview of your business’ financial health for the quarter. To help ensure the reports are accurate, enter all relevant financial transactions first, such as depreciation, interest earned, etc.
note : Depending upon the amount of tax you withhold from your employee paychecks, you may be required to report and/or remit money according to the schedules sent you by both national and local authorities. For help in preparing remittance reports, see Payroll tax reporting and deposits.
Annual reports
At the end of a fiscal year, your accountant will need, at minimum, a Trial Balance [Summary] report, a year-end Balance Sheet, and a year-end Profit & Loss statement. You should check with your accountant before you prepare these reports, as you may need to enter some adjustment transactions.
note : Depending upon the amount of tax you withhold from your employee paychecks, you may be required to report and/or remit money according to schedules sent to you by both national and local authorities. For help in preparing remittance reports, see Payroll tax reporting and deposits.
Overview reports for your bank
Overview reports for your accountant
Sales tax reporting and deposits
Use the following reports to prepare sales tax deposits and returns.
note : If you are allowed to remit sales tax on a cash basis (remit tax only on money received, not on sales booked), use the ‘Cash’ versions of the above reports.
Payroll tax reporting and deposits
Collecting money: who, how much, and how long
Customer sales: who, what, and how much
Job reports and job profit
Owing money: who, how much and how long
Item sales: what is selling and who is buying
Items: What you have, what is promised, what is on order
AccountEdge allows you to create an inventory order book that shows you what’s on hand, what’s on order from vendors, and what’s been promised to customers.
Converting data to a spreadsheet
You can convert most reports to a spreadsheet by saving them as tab-delimited or comma separated text files. However, there are a few software reports that have been specifically designed for exporting to a spreadsheet.
In the report window, click Send To and then choose Disk. Save the report and then launch your spreadsheet and open the file. Note that the report file created by your software will not be recognized as a spreadsheet date file, so be sure to change the file type to All Files when looking for the spreadsheet report.
An amount that is a subtotal in a report shows the word ‘Total’ before the account name. Be careful to avoid double-counting the subtotals when manipulating figures in a spreadsheet.
Analyzing cash flow
Go to the Banking command center and click Analysis, then choose Cash Flow. The Cash Flow Worksheet appears.
When you have finished, click Analyze Cash Needs.
To print the Cash Flow Analysis report, click Print at the bottom of the window.
Save your regular checks (telephone bill, rent, etc.) as Recurring Checks in the Spend Money window.
Analyzing income and expenses
Analyzing sales
Your software analyzes your sales four different ways: by item, by activity, by customer, and by salesperson.
Calculating commissions
Counting, valuing, and analyzing your inventory
Your software adjusts your inventory records with every sale or purchase. However, you will still need to count your inventory periodically to account for adjustments such as loss or damage to items.
Report batches
Go to the Reports menu and click Report Batches. The Report Batches window appears.
Click New. The New/Edit Batch window appears.
Later, when you want to print the report batch, select the batch name in the Report Batches window and click Print. All the reports in the batch will be printed.
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