The Export File window enables you to set some of the criteria that will determine what data will be exported from your company file.
Select whether you want to save the exported data in a tab-delimited or comma-separated text file format. In a tab-delimited file, the data is separated by tab spaces. In a comma-separated file, the data is separated by commas. If you will be importing this data into another company file, you can select either format.
Select whether you want the first record in the export file to be a header record or a data record. If you select Header Record, the first record in your export file will contain the field names. If you choose
Data Record, the first record in your export file will contain data. If you will be importing this data into another company file, you can select either format.
Type the identifiers you want to use to filter the cards and transactions that are exported. Only the cards who have been assigned
all of the identifiers (or all of the transactions whose assigned cards have the identifiers) will be exported.
Type the Postal Code you want to use to filter the cards that will be exported. You can enter a partial Postal Code (for example, the first three digits of the Postal Code) to include all cards whose Postal Codes begin with the numbers you have entered.
Select the journal from which you want to export journal entries. If you select Disbursements or
Receipts, you can also choose the type of disbursements or receipts that you want to export.
Select this option if you want to include journal entries in the export file along with the Company Information and the account balances of a AccountantLink export . Journal entries for the current fiscal year up to the end of the month you enter in the Dated to end of field will be exported.
Select the last month of the period you want to include in the export file. The balances of your accounts as of the end of the month (from the beginning of the current fiscal year) will be exported. The information in the Company Information window is exported, as well.