Start a New Fiscal Year—Closed Transactions and Other Entries windowIn this step of the Start a New Fiscal Year process, you need to select whether you want to keep closed transactions and other entries, such as reminder logs, from prior fiscal years. You can also select an option to to keep paycheque information from prior years.Keeping transactions and other entries from prior fiscal years can reduce your system’s performance. An alternative to selecting this option is to restore a backup of your company file when you want to view transactions from a prior fiscal year.If you want to keep closed transactions from prior fiscal years, select this option, and then select the fiscal year from when you want to keep the information.For example, if you’re closing the 2008 fiscal year, and you want to retain all closed transactions made in that year, select FY 2008.If you want to keep paycheques from prior fiscal years, select this option, and then select the fiscal year from when you want to keep the information.