The Review Cards Before Exporting window is where you verify that the cards you've chosen in the Advanced Filters window are the records you wish to print in a set of personalized letters. Using this window, you can either use the OfficeLink feature to create your letters or export your records to a separate file that can be merged into your word-processing software later.
■ All. Select this option to create letters for all selected card types. Note that the cards must also match the selection criteria you enter in the Advanced Filters window.
■ Selected. Select this option to create a letter for a selected card. Type or select the card in the adjacent field. Note that only cards with the type you selected in the Card Type field can be displayed here.The current balance of the customer or vendor card appears in this column. Note that this column is blank for employee and personal cards.Click to export the card information to a separate file. In the window that appears, type a file name and select where you want to save the file.