This window enables you to email a batch of pay stubs to your employees. If you want to print pay stubs, click the
To Be Printed tab at the top of the window.
This field displays the email address for the selected pay stubs. This email address was entered in the Payroll Details tab of the Card Information window. If an email address for pay stubs has not been entered, you can enter one here, or you can open the employee’s card to enter the email address.
The text displayed in this field appears in the subject area of the email for the selected pay stubs. You can change it if you want, but the message will be updated for this pay stub only. To change the default entry for all emails you send, click
Email Defaults.
The Advanced Filters window is where you can set sorting criteria for the pay stubs displayed. You can also select and customize the pay stubs forms from this window.
These columns display details of the pay stubs. If you want to display the pay, click the zoom arrow next to the cheque number.
Click to send the pay stubs via your computer’s email program.