Review Statements Before Delivery window—To be Printed viewThe To be Printed view of the Review Statements Before Delivery window enables you to select the customers for whom you want to print statements.
■ Invoice statements include all open invoices and their corresponding balances. Quotes and orders never appear on invoice statements.If you want to list payments, discounts and credits on invoice statements, click Advanced Filters and then select the Include Itemized Payment Details for Each Invoice option.
■ Activity statements include all sales invoices, payments and orders with a customer deposit for a specific period of time; a running balance is included. Quotes never appear on activity statements.This field appears only if you select Invoice as the statement type. Enter the date you want to use as the statement date, which will be the basis for aging your transactions. Transactions dated after this date are not included on the statement.Select this option if you want the customer statements to show only invoices and payments recorded up to and including the statement date.These fields appear only if you select Activity as the statement type. Enter the date range of the transactions you want to include on the statement.If you want to print multiple copies of the statements you select in this window, enter the number of copies you want to print in this field.If you want to narrow the list of customers for whom statements will be sent, or to customize your statement forms, click Advanced Filters.Click in this column next to each customer for whom you want to print a statement. If you want to print statements for all customers in the list, click the icon at the top of this column.