Review Sales Before Delivery window—To be Emailed viewThe To be Emailed view of the Review Sales Before Delivery window enables you to select the sales that you want to email. If you want to print sales, click the To be Printed tab.This field displays the email address to which the sale that is currently selected in the list will be sent. If you want to use a different email address, enter it in the field or click the arrow to choose a different email address that you’ve entered for the related customer (in the Profile view of the Card Information window).This field displays the email subject line for the sale that is currently selected in the list. If you want to change the default subject text for all sales, click Email Defaults.This field displays the body text that will appear in the email for the sale that is currently selected in the list. If you want to change the default message for all sales, click Email Defaults.Click in this column next to each sale you want to email. If you want to email all sales in the list, click the icon at the top of this column.The list displays information about the sales you can email. If you want to display more information about the sale, click the zoom arrow next to the invoice number.