
Advanced Filters window—Print Receipts
The Advanced Filters window - Print Receipts view allows you to customize your receipts and filter the list of receipts displayed in the Review Receipts Before Printing window.
Field Descriptions
Enter the number of the first payment receipt that’s in your printer.
Each payment receipt will be assigned a consecutive number based upon the number you enter here.
Select this option and enter a range of payment receipt numbers if you want to print a specific set of payment receipts.
Select the form layout you use to print payment receipts. You can choose one of the following standard form layouts or any of the custom form layouts you may have created.
Credit Card Receipt: Select this form if you want to print payment receipts on template stationery that has pre-drawn lines on it. When you print the payment receipt, only the payment receipt information will be printed.
Payment Receipt: Select this form if you want to print payment receipts on paper without lines. When you print the receipt, lines will be drawn with the payment receipt information.
Click Print Alignment Form each time you want to print a test payment receipt to check your printer settings.
Click to open the Customize Receipts window, where you can change the way your payment receipts look.
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