Advanced Filters windowPrint T4 and RL-1 FormsThe Print T4 and RL-1 Forms view of the Advanced Filters window enables you set filter criteria for displaying the T4 and RL-1 Forms you want to print.This field displays the form selected in the Set Up T4 and Rl-1 Forms window. If you want, you can select a different form.Select this option to create T4, RL-1, and T4 Summary Forms for all employees that match the selection criteria you enter in the Identifiers, Postal Code and Custom List fields.Select this option to print a form for one employee only. In the adjacent field, enter the name of the employee or click the search icon and choose an employee from the list.Enter any identifiers you want to use to filter the employee list. All employees that are assigned these identifiers (and also match other filter criteria) will appear in the list.If you want to, select entries in the custom lists. Employees that match these selections (as well as other the other criteria you have set) will appear in the list.Select the form layout you use to print T4, RL-1, and T4 Summary Forms. You can choose one of the following standard form layouts or any of the custom form layouts you may have created. Note that forms must meet government requirements.
■ Laser T4 Slip - Employee/Laser T4 Slip - Employer Copy to Submit: Choose this form to print on standard-sized sheets of paper using a laser printer.
■ T4 Summary/T4 Summary Information Form: Choose this form to print on standard-sized sheets of paper using a laser printer.
■ Continuous Feed RL-1 Slip: Choose this form to print RL-1 slips on continuous feed paper.
■ Laser RL-1 Slip: Choose this form to print on standard-sized sheets of paper using a laser printer.Click this button to print a sample T4, RL-1, and T4 Summary Forms to check that the forms loaded in your printer are positioned correctly for printing.Click this button to display the Customize T4, RL-1, and T4 Summary Forms window, where you can customize the your T4, RL-1, and T4 Summary forms. Note that these forms must meet government requirements.Click to save your changes and close the window. The Review T4 Slips Before Printing window will reappear, displaying employee’s that meet the selection criteria you set.