When you download a bank or credit card statement to your company file, your software matches transactions from the statement file and marks each transaction as cleared in the Reconcile Accounts window.
If a transaction does not match, it remains on the list that appears in the Unmatched Statement Transactions window. You can then select the unmatched transaction and either match it to a previously recorded transaction in your company file or add the transaction to your company file.
If you choose to match the transaction, the Match Transaction window appears, displaying a list of uncleared transactions. You can then select a transaction and manually match it to a transaction on your bank statement.
Click Match to match the statement transaction with the highlighted transaction in the Uncleared Transactions list. This has two effects:
Please note that if the transaction amounts in the statement and in the Reconcile Accounts window differ, but you determine they are the same transaction and choose to match them, the amount in the Reconcile Accounts window is used.