This Aging Date window enables you to choose how your outstanding bills are aged in the Analyze Payables window. This analysis is based upon all bills and payments recorded in your company file.If you want to analyze your payables as of a past date, use the Payables Reconciliation report. The report will show only bills and payments up to and including the date you specify.
■ Calculate Overdue Since Bill Date. Select this option if you want the aging to be based on the number of days that have passed since the bills were recorded.
■ Calculate Overdue Using Bill Terms. Select this option if you want the aging to be based on the number of days the payments are overdue, as determined by your credit terms with vendors.Enter the date that you want to use to calculate how many days have passed since the bill date (if you selected the Calculate Overdue Since Bill Date calculation method) or how many days have passed since the payment was due (if you selected the Calculate Overdue Using Bill Terms calculation method).