
The Analysis Selection window attached to the Analyze Balance Sheet window allows you to set the criteria for how your asset, liability and equity accounts will appear in the Analyze Balance Sheet window.
Field Descriptions
This Year’s Actuals Only. Choose this selection if you want to view each account’s balance and percentage of its account classification. The balance and percentage will be for the month you select at the bottom of this window for the current fiscal year.
Last Year’s Actuals Only. Choose this selection if you want to view each account’s balance and percentage of its account classification. The balance and percentage will be for the month you select at the bottom of this window for the previous fiscal year.
Budgets Only. Choose this selection if you want to view the budgeted amounts for each of your asset, liability and equity accounts. The budgeted amounts will include the balance of each account at the start of the fiscal year and budget amounts through the month you select at the bottom of the window.
Actuals vs. Budgets. Choose this selection if you want to view a comparison of actual and budgeted amounts for each of your asset, liability and equity accounts.
The difference between actual amounts and budgeted amounts is the actual amount minus the budgeted amount. A positive difference for an asset or equity account is usually good news. A positive difference for a liability account is probably bad news.
This Year vs. Last Year. Choose this selection if you want to view a comparison of your current fiscal year’s balance sheet accounts with the previous fiscal year’s balance sheet accounts.
Choose a month by clicking its abbreviation in the panel. When you click the OK button to display the Analyze Balance Sheet window, the amounts displayed will reflect activity through the end of the month you select here.
Remember, if you chose the Last Year’s Actuals Only selection, the month you select here will be from the previous fiscal year. All other selections at the top of this window are for the current fiscal year.
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