
Card Information window—Payroll Details view—Personal Details
Information you enter in this window is used when determining the employee’s net pay. Note that you need to fully set up the employee’s payroll information before you process payroll for the employee.
Field Descriptions
Select how you will deliver the employee’s pay stub—in print, email, or both email and print. If you don’t want to give the employee a pay stub, select Already Printed or Sent. You can change the delivery method on each pay.
If you selected To be emailed or To be printed and emailed in the Pay Stub Delivery field, type the email address to which you want to send the employee’s pay stub.
Click to open a shortcut menu of common actions and tasks associated with the selected card record. Choose a task from the list. For example, if you selected a transaction task, the transaction window appears with the selected card record already assigned to the transaction. Actions available from the menu are grouped into areas such as transaction tasks, printing tasks, and contact management tasks.
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