Some typical units of measure include Each, Pair, Case, Gross, Hour and Day. As an example, assume one of your items is a lamp set that’s always sold in pairs; this item could be assigned a unit of measure of Pair.
Enter the number of items that make up one selling unit. This number is used to determine how many items should be subtracted from inventory when you sell one buying unit. For example, if you sell bottled water by the case and there are 24 bottles in a case, enter 24 in this field.
This field appears only if you select the I Sell This Item and
I Inventory This Item options in the Profile tab of the Item Information window.
Enter the quantity of this item over which you want to assign a new selling price. For example, if you want to create pricing levels for sales of this item in quantities of 25 or more, enter 25 in this field. The first quantity to which you assign a selling price always will be any quantity over 0.00, therefore you can’t change the first Quantity Over entry.