
Field Descriptions
Pay From Account
When you choose to group a Pay Bills transaction with other electronic payments, the transaction is recorded in the linked electronic payments account -- not your checking or credit card account. You can process electronic payments later using the Prepare Electronic Payments window.
Select the vendor whose purchases you want to pay. The purchases you’ve made from the vendor are displayed. Open purchases are displayed first, followed by orders (and closed purchases if you select the Include Closed Purchases option).
A description of the payment. The word ‘Payment’ followed by the vendor’s name is displayed automatically. This description appears on various reports, as well as the Cash Disbursements Journal.
This column displays either the numbers assigned to each of your purchases with the vendor, or the numbers of each of the invoices that the vendor has given to you. The numbers that appear depend upon whether you’ve selected the Show Vendor Invoice Number in Pay Vendors option in the Purchases view of the Preferences window.
Open: Purchases with an outstanding balance.
Closed: Purchases that have been paid in full. Closed purchases will only appear if you have selected the Include Closed Purchases option.
Order: Purchase orders that you have placed with the vendor, for which you have not received a bill.
The amount of the payment, as it appears in the Amount field in the check portion of the window.
Click to display the Exchange Rate window. This window displays your current currency, the Transaction Exchange Rate and Current Exchange Rate. This button appears only if you selected the I Deal in Multiple Currencies option in the System view of the Preferences window.
Click to choose print and preview options for this transaction. Choose:
Print Check—to print a check.
Print Payment Notification—to print a payment notification.
Preview Check—to preview the check.
Preview Payment Notification—to preview the payment notification.
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