The Company Information window is where you can enter general information about your company. This data appears as default information for some transactions, such as on sales and purchases forms.This is your software serial number. You can find this on the back of your software packaging and on your product registration card.If you entered your serial number when you set up your company file using the Easy Setup Assistant, the number appears here automatically.If you haven’t yet activated your file, you can edit the number. When you activate your company file, the field becomes a display-only field.Your company name appears in this field. This field is not changeable if you have already entered a company name using the New Company File Assistant.Your company’s address appears in this field. This field is not changeable if you have already entered a company address using the New Company File Assistant.Enter or change your company’s PST registration number. (This is the number assigned to your business by your government’s taxation authority.)This field displays the number of accounting periods you have in your current fiscal year. Note that you can only change the number of accounting periods per year during the Start a New Fiscal Year process.Click to open the Enable License window. Follow the instructions in this window if you want to order additional workstation licenses. After a purchase of additional workstation licenses, you’ll use the window to enable the additional licenses.