
Pay Liabilities window
The Pay Liabilities window enables you to pay accrued payroll liabilities, such as deductions, expenses or Taxes for a selected period.
An accrued payroll liability appears in this window only if:
Field Descriptions
Pay From Account
Enter or select the vendor to whom you are making payment.
The vendor name and the address appears in this field. You can change the address if you want to.
A default description appears in this field: ‘Liability Payment’ followed by the vendor's name. You can edit this text if you want.
The next available cheque number is automatically displayed. You can accept the default cheque number or enter a different one. This number can be used to identify the transaction later.
Select the liability type. Select All if more than one type is paid to the same vendor.
All appears in this field by default. If you don’t want all the payroll categories to appear in the list, click the search icon to display a list of categories. Select the ones you want to use for the transaction.
Enter the date range of transactions with unpaid payroll liabilities.
This field displays the total of all the liabilities that you selected for payment.
Click to print a cheque to the selected vendor for the amount that appears in the Total Amount fields.
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