
The Prepare Budgets window allows you to create monthly budgets for all detail accounts. The budgets you enter in this window can be used to review the progress of your accounts in the Analyze Balance Sheet window and Analyze Profit & Loss window. Note that you can only create budgets in the local currency.
Field Descriptions
Header: Header accounts are used as titles of groups of accounts. They are used only for grouping accounts of a similar purpose and appear in this list for display and organizational purposes only. You can not create a budget for a header account.
Detail: Detail accounts are the accounts that have transactions assigned to them. Each one is assigned to the header account that appears directly above it in the list. Detail accounts appear in plain type, and header accounts appear in bold type.
There are twelve columns, one for each month of the year. You can enter a budget for one month at a time. You can also populate all the months, and then edit, using the Copy Amount to Following Months or Copy Previous Year’s Actual Data options. You can also use the Budget Shortcuts window to edit budgets.
Click Shortcuts to open the Budget Shortcuts window where you can quickly update budget amounts for all months in the current fiscal year. Any changes you make in the Budget Shortcuts window appear in the Prepare Budgets window.
Click Copy Amount to Following Months to copy the same amount in the active month into all subsequent months in the fiscal year.
Click Copy Previous Year’s Actual Data to copy the last fiscal year’s actual account balances into the corresponding months of the current year.
Click Print to print a budget summary report for the selected account.
Click Close to return to the previous window.
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