Company Data Auditor—Tax Exception ReviewThe Tax Exception Review checks all your transactions, based on a variety of tax-related criteria, for the selected date range. The Start Date defaults to the first day of the current fiscal year and the End Date to the current session date. You may change the date range if you wish. Click the Run Review button to start the Tax Exception Review.A progress status bar appears next to each item in the review during the processing. When the process is complete, the results are displayed as follows.
■ A check mark next to an item indicates that no exceptions were found.
■ A question mark next to an item indicates there were exceptions. To view details of the exceptions, click Display to open a report in the Report Display window that displays the details of each exception.Check for tax amount variances [Sales]A question mark appears if there are any sales transactions in which the value of the tax is different from the calculated value.Click Display to open a tax variance report for sales.Check for tax amount variances [Purchases]A question mark appears if there are any purchases transactions in which the value of the tax is different from the calculated value.Click Display to open a tax variance report for purchases.When you click Finish in this window, a message will appear giving you the option to print a summary report. Click Yes to print the Company Data Auditor Summary Report.The Company Data Auditor Summary report is not listed in the Index to Reports, so you may want to print the report before closing the session.