The Transfer Money window is where you record money transfers between accounts. When you record the transfer, two transactions are created, one in the From account and one in the To account.When you begin to create a transaction in this window, this field automatically displays the next AccountEdge transfer (TR) number available.You can choose to delete Auto # and enter a new number for the transaction. If you enter a number here, consider leaving the TR prefix assigned to the number, so it’s easy for you to distinguish the transaction as a transfer transaction. If you choose to enter a number in the ID # field, the next time you record a transfer transaction, the ID number will automatically revert to the next available AccountEdge TR number; it won’t increase the number you entered by one.Enter the name of the account from which the money will be transferred, or click the search icon to display a search list of bank accounts to choose from.Enter the name of the account to which the money will be transferred, or click the search icon to display a search list of bank accounts to choose from.Enter a description of the transfer transaction, or accept the default memo. This description will appear on various AccountEdge reports and journals.If you change the default memo, you should keep the word ‘Transfer’ in the memo to remind you of the nature of the transaction.This column displays the balance before the transfer of the accounts you chose in the Transfer Money From field and in the Transfer Money To field.This column displays the balance after the transfer of the accounts you chose in the Transfer Money From field and in the Transfer Money To field.Click Save as Recurring to open the Edit Recurring Schedule window where you can save the entries you made for this money transfer as a recurring transaction and set up a schedule for recording it on a regular basis in the future.note : Even if you saved a transaction’s entries as a recurring transaction, you must still click the Record button to record the transaction.Click Use Recurring to open the Select a Recurring Transaction window and select a recurring Transfer Money transaction.Select from the list the category to which you wish to assign this transaction. (The categories in this list were created in the Edit Category window).If you selected the Required option when you chose that preference, you must select a category here before you can record this transaction.Click Cancel to close this window without saving your changes.