The Budget Shortcuts window allows you to quickly update an account’s budget amounts for all months in the current fiscal year. You can enter a monthly budget amount or enter a quarterly, semi-annual or annual budget amount that will be evenly split among all the months of the year. You can also enter percentage increases or incremental increases through the months of the year.Select how you want to adjust your budget. You can increase or decrease your existing monthly budget by an amount or a percentage. You can enter a budget by quarters, half-years or the entire year that affects all the months of the year. Or you can enter a budget that will only affect the months from a selected month to the end of the year.
■ Fiscal Year: If you make this selection, a Total Amount field appears. The amount you enter in the Total Amount field for your year’s budget will be split evenly among the months of the year.
■ Each half of the Fiscal Year: If you make this selection, two fields -- 1st Half and 2nd Half -- appear. The amount you enter in these fields for each half-year’s budget will be split evenly among the months of the half-year.
■ Each Quarter: If you make this selection, four fields -- 1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter and 4th Quarter -- appear. The amount you enter in these fields for each quarter’s budget will be split evenly among the months of the quarter.
■ Period starting from selected Month: If you make this selection, a Total Amount field and a From [Month] until the end of the fiscal year field appear. The amount you enter in the Total Amount field for each month’s budget will be split evenly among the selected months.
■ Each Month: If you make this selection, a Monthly Amount field and two options-- Monthly Amount Increase/Decrease and Monthly Percentage Increase/Decrease -- appear.
■ If you make an entry only in the Monthly Amount field, each month’s budget will be replaced with that amount.
■ If you make an entry in either of the option fields and make no entry in the Monthly Amount field, each month’s budget will successively increment (positively or negatively) by that amount or percentage.
■ If you enter an amount in the Monthly Amount field and in one of the option fields, the first month’s budget will be replaced by the Monthly Amount and each successive month will increment (positively or negatively) by the option field’s entry.This field appears only if you selected Fiscal Year or Period starting from selected month in the Budget for field.
■ If you selected Fiscal Year: Enter the amount you want to budget for this account for the entire year. This amount will be split evenly among the months of the year.
■ If you selected Period starting from selected month: Enter the amount you want to budget for this account for the selected months. This amount will be split evenly among those months.Select the starting month in the From [Month] until the end of the fiscal year field.This field appears only if you selected Period starting from selected month in the Budget for field.Select the first month in the fiscal year that you want included in the budget adjustment. All subsequent month in your fiscal year will be included as well.These fields appear only if you selected Each Half of the Fiscal Year in the Budget for field. The names of the months included in each half appear before the field. (You identified the last month of your fiscal year when you used the New Company File Assistant to set up your company file.)Enter the amount you want to budget for this account for the each half of the year. This amount will be split evenly among the months of the half-year.These fields appear only if you selected Each Quarter in the Budget for field. The names of the months included in each quarter appear before the field. (You identified the last month of your fiscal year when you used the New Company File Assistant to set up your company file.)Enter the amount you want to budget for this account for the each quarter of the year. This amount will be split evenly among the months of the quarter.This field appears only if you selected Each Month in the Budget for field.The Monthly Dollar Increase and Monthly Percentage Increase fields must both be set to zero if you want the amount you enter in this field to be applied to each month.Monthly Dollar Increase/(Decrease)This field appears only if you selected Each Month in the Budget for field.Enter a positive amount by which you wish each month’s budget to increase or a negative amount by which you wish each month’s budget to decrease.If you enter an amount in the Amount field and in this field, January’s budget will be the amount in the Amount field, and each succeeding month will be increased by the amount in this field.This field appears only if you selected Each Month in the Budget for field.Enter a positive percentage you wish each month’s budget to increase or a negative percentage you wish each month’s budget to decrease.If you enter an amount in the Amount field and a percentage in this field, the budget for the first month of the fiscal year will be the amount in the Amount field, and each succeeding month will be increased by the percentage in this field.