The bank deposit you record in the Prepare Bank Deposit window will transfer funds from the undeposited funds account to the account of your choice. You can group the receipts by payment method, if you want.The accounts in this list were assigned Account Type: Bank or Account Type: Credit Card in the Profile view of the Edit Accounts window.This field displays the current balance of the account you selected in the left corner of the window. Click the zoom arrow to display the Find Transactions window and view more detailed information about the account.You have a choice of displaying and depositing receipts by all methods -- receipts made using any type of payment method or of displaying and depositing receipts by only one, two or more payment methods.You have the choice of displaying only receipts that have been authorized, only receipts that have not been authorized, or all receipts. Displaying only authorized receipts, for example, may make identifying the receipts you want to include in a deposit easier.When you begin to create a transaction in this window, this field automatically displays the next CR (Cash Receipts) number available.Enter the date of the transaction. Undeposited funds on or before the date entered will be displayed. Dates that occur before your conversion date or in a prior fiscal year can’t be used.Enter a description of the transaction. This description will appear on various AccountEdge reports, as well as the Cash Receipts journal.Displays the ID number of each cash receipt transaction. Click the zoom arrow to display information about a particular transaction.Click in this column to indicate that a particular transaction should be included on the bank deposit. Click in the column again to remove the transaction from the bank deposit.This field displays the total amount of the deposit. The amount changes as transactions are selected or deselected.Click to print the Bank Deposit report for the current deposit recorded in this window.