Bank and Deposit Adjustments window—Deposit Adjustment viewThe adjustment transaction will appear in the Prepare Bank Deposit window and the transaction will be automatically included in the bank deposit.This field appears only if you selected the I Deal in Multiple Currencies option in the System view of the Preferences window.This field appears only if you selected the I Deal in Multiple Currencies option in the System view of the Preferences window.The ID number assigned to the transaction begins with SC and includes the date you’ve entered in the Prepare Bank Deposit window.If you want to enter an ID number here, consider leaving the SC prefix assigned to the number, so you can distinguish the transaction as a deposit adjustment.Enter a description of the transaction. This description will appear on various reports, as well as journals.The ID number assigned to the transaction begins with IE and includes the date you’ve entered in the Prepare Bank Deposit window.If you wan to enter a different ID number here, consider leaving the IE prefix assigned to the number, so you can distinguish the transaction as a deposit adjustment transaction.Enter a description of the transaction. This description will appear on various reports, as well as journals.