
Prepare Time Billing Invoice window—Work In Progress view
The Work in Progress view of the Prepare Time Billing Invoice window enables you to view the activity slips that have not been billed in full. These are referred to as open activity slips and work in progress.
Field Descriptions
Select this option if you want to view open activity slips for one employee or vendor. Type or select the name of the employee or vendor in the adjacent field.
Work In Dollars
Select this option if you want to view the entries that appear in the Work In Progress, Billable, Bill, Adjustment and Left to Bill columns as currency amounts. If you choose this selection, any entries you make in the Bill and Adjustment columns also will be currency amounts.
Select this option if you want to view the entries that appear in the Work In Progress, Bill, Billable, Adjustment and Left to Bill columns as hours or another unit of measurement, as specified in the activity’s record. If you choose this selection, any entries you make in the Bill, Adjustment and Left to Bill columns also will be in hours or units of measurement.
This column lists the open activity slips for the selected customer. The date, activity name, employee or vendor name, job number and amount left to bill are displayed for each activity slip in the list. If you selected Work in Hrs/Units, units or hours left to bill are displayed in place of the dollar amount.
The amount or hrs/units left to bill displayed in this column are entries displayed on the actual activity slip. If you enter billing amounts or make adjustments in this window, the new Left To Bill amount or hrs/units will appear in the Left To Bill column. The amount or hrs/units in the Work In Progress list won’t change until you record the invoice.
Enter the amount or the number of units for which you want to bill the customer for each activity slip. You can bill your customers for any amount. Your entries in this column will be reflected in the Enter Activity Slip window when you record the invoices you’re creating.
Enter any adjustment amount or units that you want to make on your activity slips before you include them on the invoice. If you want to adjust an activity slip to bill the customer for fewer hours or a lesser amount, enter your adjustment as a negative number. Your entries in this column will be reflected in the Enter Activity Slip window when you record the invoice you’re creating.
The amount or units left to bill for each activity slip in the list are displayed in this column. The amounts in this column change to reflect your entries in the Bill column and the Adjustment column. Changes to the amounts in this column will be reflected in the Enter Activity Slip window when you record the invoice you’re creating.
When you record an invoice for the activity slips that show $0.00 in this column, those activity slips are considered closed, or paid in full.
Tax column
The tax amount for each activity slip is displayed in this column.
If you want to combine several activity slips for the same activity and job on a single line item when creating the time billing invoice, select this option. The date that appears on the line item will be that of the most recent activity slip.
If you want to print the notes you entered in the activity slip on the time billing invoice, select this option. If you don’t select this option, the names of the activities will appear in the Notes fields of the time billing invoice you’re creating. You can also choose to display an activity’s description on invoices by selecting the option in the activity’s record.
These amounts are the totals for the Billable, Bill, Adjustment, Left to Bill and Tax columns. If activity slips containing non-hourly activities appear in the list, and you selected the Work in Hrs/Units option in this window, the totals won't appear in these fields.
If you want to create a time billing invoice for the customer that includes every activity slip for which you made an entry in the Bill column, click Prepare Invoice. The Time Billing layout of the Sales window will appear with each activity slip listed on a separate line item on the invoice (unless you selected the Consolidate Activities On Invoice option).
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