Enter Activity Slip window—Multiple Activity Slips viewDo not use the Multiple Slip Entry view to enter an activity slip if you want its hours to be used for payroll calculations. You should use the Activity Slip view instead.Employee/VendorType or select the employee who performed the activities for which you’re creating activity slips. If a vendor performed the activities, select the relevant vendor card. Any activity slips you’ve already recorded for the selected card will appear in the list.Type or select the customer for whom you performed the activity. You must enter a customer name for every activity slip that has a chargeable activity.Type the number of hours you’ve worked on the selected activity, or if the activity slip is for a non-hourly activity, enter the number of units (for example, weeks or miles).If you want to allocate an activity slip that has a chargeable activity to a job, type or select the job number in this column.Note that when you enter a new activity slip and then press Tab to move to a new line in the list, or click on a new line, the activity slip will automatically be recorded.