Payroll Easy Setup Assistant—Decide if you’ll use timesheetsTimesheets enable you to track the hours worked by your employees and can help you calculate employee pays more accurately. If you use Time Billing, you also can automatically create activity slips based on timesheet entries.
■ If you do not want to use timesheets, you will need to pay your employees based on their recurring pay and make adjustments to individual paychecks when you process your payroll.
■ If you choose to use timesheets, you must enter your hourly employees’ hours in timesheets; they will be needed to calculate your employees’ payroll.
■ If you choose to use timesheets for time billing and payroll, you must enter your hourly employees’ hours in timesheets; they will be needed to calculate your employees’ payroll.Additionally, the hours you enter in an activity slip will appear in the timesheet (if you made that choice in the activity slip) and used for payroll. If you select an activity when you make a timesheet entry, an activity slip is automatically created.