The Jobs List window allows you to view summary information about all the current jobs in your business. This window shows each job’s total income, cost, expenses and net profit or loss.
If you want to search for a job, select the filter you want to use to search the list (for example, Job Number, Job Name, Linked Customer). Select how you want the record to be identified:
Contains or
Starts With. In the adjacent field, type the text you want to search for, and then press
Tab. The list is sorted according to your chosen filters. To reset the list, click the ‘X’ icon in the search field.
This column displays the total cost incurred by each job in the Job column. Amounts in this column are derived from Cost of Sales accounts.
This column displays the net profit or loss from each job in the Job column. This amount is calculated by subtracting the amounts in the
Cost and
Expenses columns from the amount in the
Income column.
Click to open the Job Budgets by Account window for the selected job. Using this window, you can view and enter budgets for a job. This button is active only if you’re viewing a detail job.
Click to open the New Job window, where you create a new job.
Select a job and then click Edit to open the
Edit Job window, which allows you to view and change a job.