Preferences window—Reports & Forms viewSelect the method of aging you want to use when analyzing the account balances of customers and vendors. You can use daily aging periods of any length you like; you also can use monthly aging periods.The selections you make will affect the way information is displayed in the Analyze Receivables and Analyze Payables windows, on plain-paper statements and on the summary and detail versions of the following reports: Aged Receivables, Aged Payables, Receivables Reconciliation and Payables Reconciliation.
■ Daily Aging Periods - 1st: __ Days 2nd: __ Days 3rd: __ Days: If you want to age sales and purchases based on a particular number of days for each period, select this option and then enter the period ranges. For example, if aging periods of 7, 14 and 21 days are common in your industry, enter 7 for the first aging period, 14 for the second aging period, and 21 for the third period.
■ Monthly Aging Periods - Identify By: If you want to age sales and purchases based on monthly periods, select this option and then select whether you want to identify your aging periods by months (July, August and so on), or by month numbers (1 month, 2 months, 3 months and 3+ months).If you want to customize and filter your reports before displaying or printing them, select this option. If you don’t select this option, the report will be generated using the default filters unless you click Customize in the Index to Reports window.If you want to automatically display the Advanced Filters window when you print or email a batch of forms (for example, using the Print/Email Invoices function in the Sales command centre), select this option. You should select this option if you regularly use an advanced filter or often want to change the form template that is used.If you don’t select this option, you can click the Advanced Filters button in the Review Forms Before Delivery/Printing window to access the filters.If you want all of your payroll categories to appear with their corresponding year-to-date amounts on the paycheque stubs, select this option. When you select this option, your accrual balances (carry-over and YTD) will appear on paycheque stubs.If you want to change the default fonts you use in your forms, such as cheques, invoices, statements, purchase orders and mailing labels, click this button.If you want to change the default subject and message you use when you email your sales, purchases and statements, click Email.