In order to correctly track transactions in a foreign currency, you must create a number of accounts that are set up to use that currency rather than U.S. dollars. You cannot simply use the same accounts you use for your U.S. dollar transactions because the dollar and other currencies rarely trade at par with one another (that is, one dollar rarely buys exactly one monetary unit in any other currency).
For every foreign-currency account you create, the software will automatically create a linked exchange account. For example, if you create a yen checking account, a yen exchange account will be created automatically. Your software uses these dual accounts so that both the foreign currency amount and the local currency equivalent of a transaction can be viewed in your Balance Sheet.
You can let your software create the linked exchange account for you or you can specify one yourself. To create an account yourself, see
Set up accounts. You will need to select the correct currency and exchange account in the
Account Information window.
Only receipt transactions that are in U.S. currency may be grouped as a deposit of undeposited funds. Therefore, you can only use a U.S. currency account as the linked account for undeposited funds.
If you plan to track unrealized gains and losses, you need to create an income account for this purpose. You may want to name it ‘Unrealized Currency Gain/Loss’ or something similar. We recommend that you consult your accountant to determine whether your business needs to track unrealized gains and losses and, if it does, the most appropriate way for it to do so. See
Tracking currency gains and losses for more information.
Depending on your business, you may need to create additional accounts to track foreign bank accounts, assets held overseas and the like. If you are unsure about the accounts, ask your accountant or a consultant.