
Banking > Credit card payments using Merchant Account Service > Timed-out authorization
When authorization over the Internet is not completed within the time allowed, the authorization process is timed‑out and the following window appears.
A time-out can occur during busy network periods or when your connection to the internet is interrupted.
Because authorization has been interrupted, the transaction may or may not have been processed. For example, it is possible that a payment transaction was authorized, but a delay caused it to time-out before an authorization number was assigned. In this example, the transaction has been authorized for payment by the Automated Clearing House (ACH), but its status may be recorded as declined in your company file.
Before you deal with a timed-out status, you need determine the processing status of the timed‑out authorization.
To deal with a timed-out authorization
You can only deal with timed‑out authorizations if you can connect to the Internet. If you cannot connect, try again later.
Clicking Login to Payments Gateway.
Going to the Setup menu, choosing Credit Card Processing and then Visit Payments Gateway.
In the Payments Gateway website, click Merchant Login and enter your merchant ID, username and password. For more information, see Activating Business Services.
Locate the transaction that has timed-out and take the appropriate action based on the status of the transaction:
use another payment method—see 4In the Amount Received field, type the amount received. (for a Receive Money transaction) or step 5 (for a Receive Payments transaction).
If the transaction has been processed and authorized, you do not need take any further action. However, note that this transaction, although processed, has a declined status in your company file. When you prepare your bank deposit, remember to include this transaction.
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