End-of-period procedures > Starting a new fiscal year > Task 4: Enter end-of-year adjustments
Task 4: Enter end-of-year adjustmentsYour accountant is likely to provide you with a number of adjustments, such as journal transactions. If they have been provided on disk, you can import these transactions (see Importing data). If the adjustments have been provided on paper, you can manually enter them in the Record Journal Entry window.
1 Go to the Accounts command centre and click Record Journal Entry. The Record Journal Entry window appears.The general journal number and transaction date appear by default. You can change these if necessary.If your company file is set to 13 accounting periods in the fiscal year, assign your adjustments to the 13th period by entering an asterisk (*) before the date, for example, *9/30/2008.
2 [Optional] In the Memo field, enter a comment to describe the transaction, for example, Depreciation–Motor Vehicles.
3 Each row of information entered in the scrolling list is a line item. The line item details are identified in the journal adjustments provided by your accountant.
a Type the account number (or name), or select it from the account list.
c [Optional] In the Job field, enter the job number for the line item.
d [Optional] In the Memo field, enter a description of the line item.The journal entry cannot be recorded until the Out of Balance field is zero.
4 Click Record to record the journal entry.