International transactions > Exchange rates
Exchange ratesWhen entering a foreign currency transaction, you can either use the default exchange rate for the currency or enter a new rate for the transaction.To change the default exchange rate
1 Calculate the exchange rate first using the Currency Calculator. See Using the Currency Calculator below.
2 From any command center, go to the Lists menu and select Currencies. The Currencies List window appears.
3 Select the currency entry you want to modify and click Edit. (Alternatively, click the zoom arrow next to the currency name.) The Currency Information window (Currency Profile view) appears.
1 Calculate the exchange rate first using the Currency Calculator. See Using the Currency Calculator below.
2 Open a foreign currency transaction window. You can record foreign currency transactions for:
4 Type the new exchange rate in the Transaction Exchange Rate field. This will only affect the transaction that is currently displayed.
5 If you want to change the exchange rate for all future transactions that use this currency, select the Update Current Exchange Rate in the Currency List with Transaction Exchange Rate option.
6 Click OK. The transaction window reappears.If you receive a payment for a foreign currency invoice in your local currency, you can use the Currency Calculator to quickly calculate the exchange rate based on the foreign and local amounts, or to calculate the foreign amounts based on the local amounts and the exchange rate.You can access the Currency Calculator from any window in your MYOB software: go to the Help menu at the top of the screen and choose Currency Calculator.