Advanced setup
Set up payroll
> Optional payroll setup tasks
Optional payroll setup tasks
In addition to the
Payroll Easy Setup Assistant
tasks, you may also want to do the following tasks if they are relevant to your business.
Set up timesheets
Use timesheets to record all the hours worked by hourly employees or to record extra hours worked by employees that are paid based on a standard pay. If you pay employees for time-billing activities, you can also enter activity details on timesheets and use these details to create activity slips.
Customize forms
Change the appearance of the default pay stub and paycheck forms.
Customizing forms
Import cards
Import employee information from:
another company file
another accounting system
a spreadsheet
a text file.
Importing data
Group cards
Use identifiers and custom lists to group the cards of employee who have similar attributes.
Grouping your contacts
Set up payroll tax forms
Prepare and print official copies of the T4 & RL-1 tax forms.
Payroll tax forms
Related topics
Advanced tasks
Paying your employees
Creating payroll categories
Creating employee cards
Processing your payroll
Preparing new T4, RL-1, and T4 Summary forms
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