Payroll Table of Contents
Payroll Categories Overview
Paychecks Overview
Changing payroll categories
To change a wage
To change an accrual
To change an employee’s wage’s linked account
To change a deduction
To change a deduction's linked account
To change an employer expense
To change an employer expense's linked account
To change a payroll tax’s linked account
Changing paychecks
To change a recurring paycheck’s name or frequency
To change a recurring paycheck’s line items and other information
Creating payroll categories
To create a wage
To create an accrual
To create a deduction
To create an employer expense
Finding paychecks
To find a paycheck
To find a recurring paycheck
Paying payroll taxes
To change a payroll tax’s linked account
To pay payroll taxes
To print the Tax Liabilities Report
Printing paychecks
To choose the paychecks you want to print
To choose a form layout for your paychecks
To print and reprint your paychecks
To reprint a single paycheck
Recording recurring paychecks
To record a recurring paycheck
Removing payroll categories and paychecks
To remove a wage
To remove an accrual
To remove a deduction
To remove an employer expense
To remove a paycheck
To remove a recurring paycheck
Reversing paychecks
To reverse a paycheck
To remove a paycheck that was recorded using a previous version of MYOB software
Reviewing your payroll information paychecks
To display a list of all your paychecks
To display a list of recurring paychecks
To print a list of all your paychecks
To print a list of all your recurring paychecks
To analyze your payroll activity
Writing paychecks
Step 1: Be sure your payroll information is completely set up
Step 2: Identify where the money for the paycheck will be drawn from
Step 3: Enter the employee’s name
Step 4: Review the paycheck information that appears automatically
Step 5: Distribute vacation and sickpay (optional)
Step 6: Distribute other types of wages (optional)
Step 7: Choose what you want to do with the transaction
Payroll Table of Contents