To remove a paycheck that was recorded using a previous version of MYOB software

If you haven’t already read the Paychecks Overview, see Changing, removing and reversing paychecks for more information.

This procedure should be used only for paychecks recorded in MYOB Premier Version 1 or MYOB Accounting Plus Version 8 and earlier.

Use this procedure only if your transactions are changeable. See What are changeable and unchangeable transactions? for more information.

The paycheck you want to remove should be displayed. If you need help doing this, see To find a paycheck.

  1. Choose Delete Transaction from the Edit menu.

    All paycheck information—except employer expenses—is stored in the Disbursements Journal, from which you just deleted the transaction. Employer expenses, however, are recorded in the General Journal, and must be removed in a separate step, which you’ll do next.

  1. Open the Transaction Journal window and click the General tab.
  2. Locate the General Journal transaction that corresponds to the transaction you deleted in the Disbursements Journal and click its zoom arrow to display it in the Write Paychecks window.
  3. Choose Delete Transaction from the Edit menu.
  4. Click OK.

To remove a paycheck that was recorded using a previous version of MYOB software