To find a paycheck

If you haven’t already read the Paychecks Overview, see Finding paychecks for more information.

Finding Transactions

  1. Click Inquiry in any command center to display the Inquiry Register window. Click the Card tab.
  2. Choose Card from the Search By selection box and enter the employee name. Change the date range, if needed, to broaden or narrow your search.

    If you’renot sure of the employee name, you can choose All Cards from the Search By selection box. By clicking the Advanced button, you can search using additional criteria, such as Source Journal, Amount or Memo. There are several fields you can use:

    • Choose Disbursements from the Source Journal list.

    • In the Dated From/To fields, enter a date range within which the paycheck you want to locate was created. Cash disbursements transactions for the employee you entered appear in the scrolling list.

    • If you know the number of the paycheck you want to view, enter that number or a range of check numbers that includes that number in the ID# From/To fields to narrow the list of transactions.

  1. The paycheck you’re looking for should appear in the scrolling list. Click the zoom arrow next to the check’s number to view the transaction in the Write Paychecks window.

To find a paycheck