Click the Accruals tab in the Payroll Category List window.
Click the New button. The Accrual Information window appears.
Enter a descriptive name for the accrual in the Accrual Name field.
Choose the method by which you want accrual hours to be accumulated for this accrual in the Type of Accrual field.
Choose whether you want accrual hours to be carried over to the next payroll year.
Enter the hourly wage to which you want to link this accrual in the Linked Wages Category field.
Click the Employee button to assign this accrual to specific employees. The Linked Employees window for the accrual appears. Mark the Select column next to each employee to whom you want to assign the accrual. Click OK when you’re finished.
If you’ve chosen a percentage of Gross or Federal house as the basis for calculating the accrual, you can click the Exempt button display the Accruals Exemptions window. Mark the Exempt column next to each hourly wage category you’d like excluded when this entitlement is calculated. Click OK when you’re finished.
Click OK to record the new accrual.