Writing paychecks

Step 4: Review the paycheck information that appears automatically

Step 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7

If you haven’t already read the Paychecks Overview, see Reviewing the paycheck for more information.

To allocate line items to jobs
To allocate wages to multiple jobs

To allocate line items to jobs

Enter the job numbers in the Job column if you want to assign individual line items to specific jobs.

Wages are usually the only payroll categories that are assigned to jobs; however, you can assign other payroll categories to jobs, if you wish.

To allocate wages to multiple jobs

If you have an employee who frequently works on several jobs in a single pay period, you may want to allocate wages to more than one job. To do this:

  1. Create a wage for each job whose payroll expenses you want to track. See Creating wages for more information.
  2. Assign the wages you created to the employee in the Employee Payroll Information window. See To enter payroll details (employees only) for more information.
  3. If the employee is salaried, divide the employee’s gross pay by job among the wages you created in step 1. If the employee is hourly, enter the number of hours the employee worked on each job using the wages you created in step 1.
  4. Enter the appropriate job number for each wage in the Job column.

Writing paychecks - Step 4