Purchases > Creating a purchase order from a sale
If you want to order items to fulfill a sale, you can create a purchase order using sales quote or sales order details that you have recorded.
■ a quote—click the Quotes tab and select the required quote
■ an order—click the Orders tab and select the required order.
3 Click Create PO. The Purchases window appears with the new purchase order displayed. The items you entered for the sale automatically appear as line items on the purchase order.
4 Select a vendor in the Vendor field. Note, if you have nominated a vendor for these items in the item setup, this vendor will appear by default.
5 Enter the cost of the items in the Price column.
6 Complete the purchase order as you normally would. For example, you may want to change the transaction date to today’s date, or add items to the order.
7 Click Record. The new purchase order is created and the original sales quote or order remains in the Sales Register window.