Documents, images, scans and any type of files can be attached to records and transactions in your AccountEdge company file.
Bookkeepers can scan bills and invoices from vendors and attach to purchases or expense transactions. Salespersons now have the ability to attach a copy of a service agreement to an invoice. Your accountant will be able to attach a forms to an employees record.
When using an attachment, you can either link directly to the original source file or have AccountEdge create a copy of the document and file it along with other attachments in a new AccountEdge documents folder.
When there is not a document attached, the paper clip on the button will be grayed out and will say Attach. When you click the Attach button, the Open file window will open. If you select a document, the Attached Documents window will open with the name of the attached document listed in the scroll area.
Once the document is attached to the transaction, the paper clip on the button will be blue and will say Docs. When the Docs button is clicked, the Attached Documents window will open.
To view a list of documents you have attached to any transaction or customer record, go to the Lists menu and select Documents. The Documents List window appears. You can open the source of the documents or reveal the location of the documents from this window.
From the Sales command center, click Sales Register. The Sales Register window appears.
This procedure will create a copy of the document you have selected. If you wish to make a link to the original source, select Attach document as a link in this window.
Click Open. The Attached Documents window re-appears. The document is listed under the Name column. If you selected Attach document as a link in previous step a check mark appears under the Link column.
Enter all applicable information regarding the document you have attached.
From the Card File command center, click Card List. The Cards List window appears.
This procedure will create a copy of the document you have selected. If you wish to make a link to the original source, select Attach document as a link in this window.
Click Open. The Attached Documents window re-appears. The document is listed under the Name column. If you selected Attach document as a link in previous step a check mark appears under the Link column.
Enter all applicable information regarding the document you have attached.