Paying your employees > Creating payroll categories > Employer Expense Information window
Linked Expense Account is the account to which you are charging this expense. The Account for Employer Expenses you specified when setting up payroll appears as the default.
Linked Payable Account is the liability account to which your expense will accrue. The Account for Deductions & Expenses you specified when setting up payroll appears as the default.
Click the Type of Expense arrow and choose the expense type:
Accrual for Vacation Pay
Other for all expenses other than Accrual, such as matching amounts for company car and insurance programs.
If you are creating an Other expense type, Expense Basis can be:
Equals x Percent of allows you to enter a percentage of any of the wage or deduction categories, or a percentage of all of the wage categories (by choosing Gross Wages or Federal Wages).
Equals x Dollars per allows you to type the specified amount per pay period, per month, or per year until the limit is reached.
Select the Wage that will be reduced by the amount specified.

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