Purchases > Recording and settling vendor debits
A vendor debit is money that a vendor owes you.
Reverse an existing purchase. Use this method if you have been debited for the entire purchase.
Manually create a debit. Use this method if you have been debited for part of a purchase.
To reverse an existing purchase
Your company file transactions must be set to unchangeable before you can reverse a purchase; that is, the Transactions CAN’T be Changed; They Must be Reversed option must be selected in the Security tab of the Preferences window.
Go to the Edit menu and choose Reverse Purchase. A vendor debit appears in the Purchases window.
Click Record Reversal. A vendor debit memo appears in the Purchases Register window.
To manually create a debit for a non-item purchase
Go to the Purchases command centre and click Enter Purchases. The Purchases window appears.
In the Vendor field, type or select the vendor’s name.
Select Bill from the list in the top left corner of the window.
Click Layout and select Miscellaneous.
In the Description field, type the reason for the vendor debit.
In the Acct# field, type or select the account to be debited. This is the account you use for purchase returns.
In the Amount field, type the amount of the debit as a negative amount.
Click Record. A vendor debit memo appears in the Purchases Register window.
To manually create a debit for an item purchase
Go to the Purchases command centre and click Enter Purchases. The Purchases window appears.
In the Vendor field, type or select the vendor’s name.
Select Bill from the list in the top left of the window.
Click Layout and select Item.
In the Bill field, type the quantity of the item you are returning as a negative number.
In the Item Number field, type the item number or select it from the list. The cost of the item is displayed as negative amount in the Total field.
Click Record. A vendor debit memo appears in the Purchases Register window.

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