New Features
Email enhancements
Split jobs on bank statement import
Notes added to Transactions
Paid today enhancements
Visible outstanding credits in sales
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Where to start
Explore your AccountEdge software
Command centers
Action menu
Calendar (date entry)
Zoom arrows
Search icons
Select columns
Mouse shortcuts
Shortcut keys
Default screen font
Setting up your company file
Create a company file
Easy setup assistant
Set up preferences
Set a password for the company file
Set up accounts
Enter account opening balances
Advanced setup
Set up sales
Do an initial bank reconciliation
Task 1: Identify uncleared withdrawals and deposits
Task 2: Record uncleared withdrawals and deposits
Task 3: Reconcile
Set up Credit Card Processing
Activating Credit Card Processing
Web Pay Setup
Web Store Setup
Manage AccountEdge Connect
Manage AccountEdge Mobile
Manage Rerun
Receiving money
Bank deposits
Spending money
Entering transactions in the Bank Register window
Transferring money between accounts
Tracking petty cash expenses
Recording miscellaneous transactions
Credit card transactions
Credit card payments using Merchant Account Service
Processing credit card payments using Merchant Account Service
Declined authorization
Timed-out authorization
Voiding Merchant Account Service credit card payments
Reconciling your bank accounts
Undoing an account reconciliation
Importing statements
Analyzing your cash flow [Windows only]
Creating a Lead Card
Creating a customer card
Entering sales
Task 1: Enter information about the customer
Task 2: Choose the type of sale
Task 3: Enter the items or services you are selling
Task 4: Enter additional information about the sale
Task 5: Complete the sale
Adding and deleting transaction lines, subtotals, and headers in sales transactions
Changing the status of a sale
Reviewing your sales information
Receiving payments
Printing payment receipts
Printing and emailing payment receipts
Credit control
Credit limits
Credit holds
Customer credits
Settling credits
Accounting for bad debts
Process Web Orders
Creating items
Customizing Items
Creating custom lists
Custom lists and item reports
Creating brands list
Brands list and sales reports
Creating custom fields
Creating tags list
Tag list and item reports
Adding a record
Adding records using Easy-Add
Setting up tax codes
Finding a record
Changing a record
Inactivating or reactivating a record
Deleting a record
Combining records
Combining cards
Combining accounts
Combining items
Tracking Mileage
Company vehicles list
Mileage Rates
Mileage Slips
Email Templates
Finding a transaction
Changing or deleting a transaction
Changing a transaction
Deleting a transaction
Reversing a transaction
Recurring transactions
Setting up recurring transactions
Recording recurring transactions
Create copy of a transaction
Publishing to iCal
Publishing an invoice to iCal
Publishing a recurring transaction to iCal
Publishing a reminder log to iCal
Producing reports
Customizing reports
Task 1: Select the data to be printed
Task 2: Select the required fields
Task 3: Select finishing options
Task 4: Change the report format
Task 5: Print the report
Task 6: Save the report
Changing the default fonts on reports
Frequently used reports
Overview of report details
Finding forms
Sending forms
Sending forms when you record a transaction
Sending forms in a batch
Advanced filters
Customizing forms
Task 1: Display the form
Task 2: Set up form properties
Task 3: Add and edit elements
Task 4: Preview the customized form
Task 5: Save the customized form
Task 6: Print the customized form
Changing the default fonts on forms
Adding and editing elements
Adding and editing data and label elements
Adding and editing graphic elements
Editing all elements with common commands
Contact management
Creating a card
Keeping in touch with your contacts
Personalized letters
Mailing labels
Reminder log
Other ways to keep in touch
Grouping your contacts
Custom lists
Customizing cards
Card identification codes
Card pictures
Lead Source and Status
Reviewing your contact information
Financial control
Tracking financial information
Task 1: Set up a job
Task 2: Assign expenses to the job
Task 3: Bill the customer
Entering budget amounts
Budget Shortcuts window
Auditing your records
Reviewing financial information
End-of-period procedures
Month-end procedures
Task 1: Run the Company Data Auditor
Task 2: Reconcile your bank accounts
Task 3: Review reports
Task 4: Send customer statements
Task 5: Record depreciation
Task 6: Lock periods
Starting a new fiscal year
Task 1: Complete month-end tasks
Task 2: Provide information to your accountant
Task 3: Enter end-of-year adjustments
Task 4: Back up your company file
Task 5: Start a new fiscal year
Task 6: Optimize and verify your company file
Managing user accounts and company files
Managing Master Password
Backing up and restoring company files
Servicing your company file
Checking your company file for errors
Optimizing your company file
Purging information that is no longer needed
Troubleshooting file-locking problems
Changing company file date
Troubleshooting your company file
Alert messages—company file
Alert messages—transactions
Importing and exporting data
Exporting data
Importing data
Importing Quicken (QIF) files
Managing import and export records
Using OfficeLink
Viewing reports in Microsoft Excel (OfficeLink)
Modifying OfficeLink templates for Microsoft Excel
Creating personalized letters (OfficeLink)
OfficeLink templates for personalized letters
Viewing reports in Microsoft Excel
Creating personalized letters using OfficeLink
OfficeLink templates for personalized letters
OfficeLink notes and warnings
You can print all the standard business documents you send to customers, employees, and vendors: quotes, order confirmations, invoices, packing slips, shipping labels, statements, checks, receipts, and labels.
You can print forms individually as you complete a transaction (for example, an invoice for a cash sale) or print batches of forms (for example, a monthly check run).
You can also customize the appearance of your forms. You can change the size of the form, print multiple forms on a single page, change fonts, move fields, create text labels, and add your own logos and graphics.
Your forms are stored in the
folder within the your AccountEdge software installation folder. This enables you to share forms among your company files and easily transfer them from one computer to another.
In this section
Finding forms
Sending forms
Customizing forms
Adding and editing elements
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