Routine backups are vitally important

Because damaged Accounting Plus data files often cannot be repaired, it is vitally important that you keep a current backup of your data files at all times. These backup copies of your Accounting Plus data file are your only defense if a power failure, hard disk failure or other problem renders the data file unusable. Your only alternative is to create a new data file and reenter all the information that was contained in the old data file -- a tedious, error-prone task under the best of circumstances.

(Please read If an error occurs while you're using Accounting Plus to learn more about your options if you suspect that your data file has been damaged. That topic describes steps you may be able to take to repair minor problems; serious problems will require that you restore a backup, or start over from scratch if you haven't been making backups.)

Please read the following paragraphs to gain a better understanding of why backup copies of your data file are needed, and how Accounting Plus will help to remind you that they need to be made.

The risks

Your Accounting Plus data file has two very powerful enemies:

Tools we've provided to help you detect and recover from data damage

With Accounting Plus, we've provided three tools that can aid you in keeping your data file secure. They are:

Backing up is so critical to Accounting Plus that a series of warning messages will be displayed if you exit from Accounting Plus without making a backup.

If you made a backup less than two days ago, you'll see this friendly reminder. At two or more days, the reminder becomes much stronger. If you unmark the “Remind me to back up” option in the Preferences window, a message will warn you of the possible consequences that may occur if you don’t back up your data file.

Our policy on damaged data files

If we find something in Accounting Plus that can cause data damage, we will alert registered users as soon as possible. We will fix the problem, test it, and release an update free of charge.

If we find some environmental factor (networks, hardware and so on) that can cause data damage, we will alert you as soon as possible and tell you how to avoid the problem.

If, for any reason, your data file becomes damaged, you must resort to your most recent backup (that is, the most recent copy that has been optimized using the Accounting Plus Data Optimization Wizard and that passes the tests run by the Accounting Plus Data Verification Utility).

Please remember, we at MYOB US are nearly as upset as you are when a data file fails, because there is very, very little we can do about it. Data backups are your only defense, and it's your responsibility to keep both current and archived backups.

Routine backups